She Knows (Photo: Daniella Schadrin)

She Knows

She Knows define themselves as more than a mere music act. Always inspired by the creative power of their peers, …

MiDi KwaKwa (Photo: Christian Sauerland)

MiDi KwaKwa

Neo-soul artist MiDi KwaKwa grew up in two contrasting cultures: with her Ghanaian parents in a small West German town. …

Kommst du mit in den Alltag? Event Banner

Kommst du mit in den Alltag?

The interview project examines the changes in everyday life of musicians. On a total of four evenings, two interview guests …

Yosa Peit (Photo: Monika Keiler)

Yosa Peit

Having previously lent her voice to the London based cosmic jazz collective Nostalgia 77 and renowned German beatmaker Dexter, Yosa …

Allie (Photo: Georg Schmid)


Dark and radiant at the same time – an irreconcilable conflict. Usually. But in Allie’s world, the impossible seems possible …

Black Cracker (Photo: Franziska Taffelt)

Black Cracker

Stoic as fuck, with a baby face and a set of blue-collar shoulders, Ellison Renee Glenn aka Black Cracker (formerly …

Luisa Babarro (Photo: Arthur Brell)

Luisa Babarro

What Luisa Babarro creates with her cello and her voice are gems in form of songs. Her compositions take the …

Masha The Rich Man (Photo: Edwas Edzend)

Masha The Rich Man

Masha The Rich Man is the project of Berlin-based Jewish artist Maria »Mascha« Raykhman. The sound, shaped by Raykhman’s Eastern …

Pop-Kultur 2017

Announcement: Pop-Kultur 2017

Pop-Kultur is back, and this time with specially commissioned works. For the 2017 edition of this international festival, which will take place between August 23rd and…

veenus x boats (Photo: Elena Ní hArgáin)

veenus x boats

The duo veenus x boats is active not only among different cultures but also between genres: German-born Vietnamese singer Vee …

RENU (Photo: Anna Kazanova)


RENU is a British-Bengali, Berlin-based composer, producer, tabla player, percussionist and curator who started her musical journey around 2000. Her …

Portrait of Martha Rose (black-and-white shot)

Martha Rose

Martha Rose is a multi-instrumentalist based in Berlin. She has released two LPs on vinyl and collaborates regularly with her …

Maque Pereyra and Ricardo, pictured in a bathroom mirror


Choka is a new collaboration between multidisciplinary artist Maque Pereyra and experimental musician Ricardo Eizirik. They started creating music together …

Mary Ocher (Photo: Hadas Hinkis)

Mary Ocher

Mary Ocher is a singer-songwriter, poet, director and visual artist. Born in Moscow in 1986, she immigrated with her family …

EVÎN (Photo: Diyar Akar)


EVÎN is a singer, songwriter, producer and one of the most exciting new voices in R&B. Her music blends elements …

xanah (Photo: Christian Dirks)


»I like to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed. I don’t hesitate to irritate. I’m bored by the ordinary.« …