Dmitra (Photo: Kristina Nagel)


Unexpected calls emerge under, over and between layers of basslines, some thick and some thin. Here a voice answers, there …

Portrait of MADANII


MADANII is a genre-rebel, a barrier-breaking recording artist and creative instigator from Berlin. With an artistic vision rooted in Persian …

Ace of Diamonds (Foto: Clarisse Destailleur)

Ace of Diamonds

Convinced that it’s culture that gives meaning to life, Ace of Diamonds explores the club as the epitome of culture, …

Istanbul Ghetto Club (Photo: Kiki Piperidou – Renk Mag)

Istanbul Ghetto Club

Istanbul Ghetto Club conceal themselves with masks and veils, but they have nothing to hide. Under the name Istanbul Ghetto …

the three band members of Shybits


Shybits is a Berlin based trio made up of friends Liam (UK), Piero (Italy), and Megan (South Africa). The band …

Malonda (Foto: Demetrius Lakakis)


To the moon and back: this is how the musical career of Achan Malonda could be described. Born in 1983 …

Gina D'Orio (Photo: Simone Gilges)

Gina D’Orio

Gina D’Orio is a Berlin musician, producer and singer. She is the main former vocalist from Ec80r and member of …

OY (Photo: Paula Faraco)


One minute the world was moving closer together, the next it was pulling up national borders again. Well, that’s the …

xanah (Photo: Christian Dirks)


»I like to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed. I don’t hesitate to irritate. I’m bored by the ordinary.« …



It was a cold winter in 2010 when five boys from Berlin raised the roofs of the flats in Neukölln. …

Jackson Dyer (Foto: Elena Breuer & Thijsiena Marx)

Jackson Dyer

Jackson Dyer is an Australian singer-songwriter and producer. At the start of 2013, Dyer first arrived in Berlin, where he …

Johanna Amelie, wearing a yellow shirt, in front of an italian pizza place

Johanna Amelie

Singer-songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Johanna Amelie resides in Berlin. She writes folky, ethereal, and contemporary songs about anything that stirs …

Alex St Joan (Photo: Jana van de Boldt)

Alex St Joan

Alex St Joan is the multi-faceted creation of musician, producer, writer and artist Alexia Peniguel. Born next to a flooded …

COME TOGETHER ! 2019 Schriftzug

Come Together!

With Come Together!, both established and young Sinti and Roma artists have a platform to present themselves to the city …

CHILDREN (Foto: Marco Lehmbeck)


CHILDREN are Steffi Parker and Laura Loop. Influenced by 90s pop music and the indie music of the early 2000s, …

Maque Pereyra and Ricardo, pictured in a bathroom mirror


Choka is a new collaboration between multidisciplinary artist Maque Pereyra and experimental musician Ricardo Eizirik. They started creating music together …

Christiane Rösinger (Foto: Doro Tuch)

Christiane Rösinger

The artist Christiane Rösinger, born in 1961, has been shaping the Berlin local music scene since the early 1990s as …

Kutzkelina (Foto: Sandra Schuck)


Kutzkelina aka Doreen Kutzke is a German actress, performance artist, composer, singer, and vocal teacher specialising in the art of …

Portrait of Ramiro Zayas

Ramiro Zayas Ensemble

Berlin-based jazz pianist and composer Ramiro Zayas has been active on the scene for several years, combining his understanding of …