Creamcake: Paradise Lost Grafik

Creamcake: Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost by the queer-feminist art and sound collective Creamcake brought together a spectrum of experimental, progressive and genre-crossing live …

Blazey (Photo: Hanny Moon)


As Blazey, Millé and Nik are a duo active in the genres of pop, soul and hip-hop. Their respective musical …

Eilis Frawley (Foto: Janina Gallart)

Eilis Frawley

Eilis Frawley is a classically trained percussionist from the Elder Conservatorium of Music in Adelaide. She spent a number of …

Portrait of Meron


Meron is a Berlin-based singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist with a sound strongly rooted in R&B. He started making music at …

B O K E H (Foto: Caroline Mackintosh)


In 2016, B O K E H, the artistic alter-ego of New Zealand-raised and Berlin-based artist, Chloë Lewer, was born. …

Lary (Photo: Esteban)


An urban scenery. An adult girl in search of love. A young woman in search of extremes. Search for meaning …

NOSOYO (Foto: Louis Bürk)


The emerging Berlin-based duo NOSOYO (pronounced no-soy-yó) is composed of two dynamic artists: Donata (vocals, guitar, songwriting) and Daim (vocals, …

Barbiche Logo

Barbiche On Air

It’s common knowledge that female musicians often receive too little attention and that festivals book far fewer female acts than …

Jenseits von Nelken und Pralinen Event Banner

Jenseits von Nelken und Pralinen

Jenseits von Nelken und Pralinen is a small, nicely curated festival on the International Women’s Day, March 8th. Besides discussions …

SpreeSpektakel 2018

In 2018, SpreeSpektakel wants to stay true to its mission to be a festival for music, artistry, and culture. Once …

Stadt Nach Acht Logo

Stadt Nach Acht

The Stadt Nach Acht conference discusses different perspectives and topics regarding the club and music scene of Berlin. Following 2016´s …

Creamcake NextGen

Creamcake: NextGen

NextGen is a new event series by Creamcake, an art and sound collective for experimental music. The collective is devoted …

Blending Live

Blending Live is an event combining concerts with dance, performance and art, putting an emphasis on local, up-and-coming artists outside …

Tanzhalle Event Banner


Twice a year, the event series Tanzhalle brings together musicians from the genres of reggae, dancehall, cloud rap, and trap. …



Trille has been producing a mix of urban pop and storytelling since 2018, creating his own world somewhere between indie …

Soft as Snow

There’s a raw urgency to Soft as Snow’s debut album ›Deep Wave‹, which was released on UK label Houndstooth in …

Ponte Pilas (Foto: Tobias Humble)

Ponte Pilas

Berlin-based rock ’n’ roll band Ponte Pilas have, since forming in 2017, established themselves as an integral part of certain …

Oyèmi Noize, sitting in front of a monument

Oyèmi Noize

Oyèmi Noize is no stranger to the alternative music scene in Germany. Over a decade of shredding in noisy bands …

Mia Aegerter

Mia Aegerter

In her native country, Switzerland, Berlin-based Mia Aegerter has released four highly acclaimed and awarded full-length albums– all written in …