Lion Sphere (Foto: Fidelis Fuchs)

Lion Sphere

Lion Sphere blend thumping electronic fragments with heavy hip hop grooves, spacious guitar licks and raw vocals. The Berlin four-piece …

Black Cracker (Photo: Franziska Taffelt)

Black Cracker

Stoic as fuck, with a baby face and a set of blue-collar shoulders, Ellison Renee Glenn aka Black Cracker (formerly …

Prada Meinhoff

Prada Meinhoff

Influenced by German oldschool hip hop as well as influences spanning from Peaches to Die Goldenen Zitronen, Hole, Kurt Weill, …



It was a cold winter in 2010 when five boys from Berlin raised the roofs of the flats in Neukölln. …

Gurr (Foto: Rowan Allen)


When two best friends found a band, the result is a world full of insider jokes. Gurr’s debut album ›In …

Johanna Amelie, wearing a yellow shirt, in front of an italian pizza place

Johanna Amelie

Singer-songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Johanna Amelie resides in Berlin. She writes folky, ethereal, and contemporary songs about anything that stirs …

Ban On Logo

Bang On

Bang On is a Berlin-based festival devoted to diversity and to the local music scene. Since 2016, Bang On’s inclusive …

TELE (Photo: Frank Eidel)


Tele was founded in Freiburg end of the 1990s playing typical indie-guitar-rock. ›Tausend und ein Verdacht‹, the band’s self-distributed debut …

Dylan Hunter Chee Greene playing the drums

Dylan Hunter Chee Greene

Dylan Hunter Chee Greene is an Asian American electronic jazz musician and from the Pacific Northwest. He focuses on color, …

Malonda (Foto: Demetrius Lakakis)


To the moon and back: this is how the musical career of Achan Malonda could be described. Born in 1983 …

Portrait of Sam Vance-Lawe in front of a light blue background

Sam Vance-Law

Sam Vance-Law is pop music through a queer lens. From pick up lines to raising a child, marriage and divorce …

Valeria Frattini (Photo: private)

Valeria Frattini

Valeria Frattini is an Italian singer-songwriter living in Berlin. As half German and half Italian and with time spent abroad …



Dancing is MINCO’s passion and the core of her artistic expression. The music she spins is characterised by percussive energy …

BSÍ (Photo: Ugla Hauksdóttir)


Silla Thorarensen and Julius Rothlaender are pretty best friends: they shamble through life together, don’t take themselves too seriously, and …

Jason Grier (Photo: Tonje Thilesen)

Jason Grier

It’s difficult to tell at what point art ends and life begins, where economics and theatre part ways (if ever), …

Feline Lang (Photo: Christina Bohin)

Feline Lang

Opera and Tango Argentino singer Feline Lang composes, programs and performs theatrical pop with an affinity for science fiction and …

Jenny Penkin

Jenny Penkin brings a new flavour to music with her gentle yet determined voice. Influenced by neo-soul artists on the …

Fraencis (Photo: Mathea Hoffmann)


Fraencis crafts his music with the intent of leaving listeners in a slight state of unease as he explores the …

Bernadette La Hengst (Foto: Christiane Stephan)

Bernadette La Hengst

Berlin based Bernadette La Hengst is an electro-pop musician and singer-songwriter with a passion for political and social issues and …

the four band members of OSTIA


OSTIA is a retrowave/indie band from Berlin comprising Lo Selbo, Albertine Sarges, Garagenuwe and Oskar Militia. The sound of OSTIA …