Why Be (Foto: Nadine Fraczkowski)

Why Be

Why Be is a musical project by artist Tobias Lee, made in collaboration with visual artist Daylen Seu. Their work …



mobilegirl grew up in Munich, where she studied Media Computer Science and has been a fairly new addition to the …

Moro (Photo: Nahuel Colazo)


Moro is an Argentinian musician and composer based in Berlin. Trained as a professional guitarist at the Manuel de Falla …

Pink Lint (Photo: Neven Allgeier)

Pink Lint

Pink Lint lives in the space between two colliding images. A city like Berlin provides its residents rather with too …

Dis Fig (Photo: Damian Tauchert)

Dis Fig

A Berlin via New York transplant, Dis Fig’s music earnestly reflects her past and present. A member of NYC label …

1000 Gram (Foto: Paul Aidan Perry)

1000 GRAM

This kind of music can only be made by people gathered together by the wind: 1000 Gram is made up …

She's Drunk (Photo: Sarah Monnin)

She’s Drunk

She’s Drunk is a project which was launched by Berlin-based French producer David Monnin about six years ago. Due to …

Yvois bathed in blue light


Yvois is an Aotearoa (New Zealand)-born, Berlin-based producer of warm, wonky beats and singer of moody aural treats. Armed with …

Planningtorock (Photo: David Visnjic)


Disruption and interference aren’t words you ordinarily associate with pop or dance music, but Planningtorock is on a mission to …

Steven Warwick

Steven Warwick is an artist, musician and writer living and working in Berlin. His practice is paradigmatic of an interdisciplinary …

Nichtseattle (Photo: Noel Richter)


Nichtseattle stands for a bunch of sore songs about self-care in a precarious world. Nichtseattle comes along solo or with …

Dunckerstraßenfest-Illustration: Eine Frau mit Hund passiert ein Straßenschild mit der Aufschrift Dunckerstraßenfest. Ein Straßenmusiker spielt Gitarre, während ein trinkender Mann vor sich hinsummt.


The Dunckerstrassenfest began seven years ago as a concept and an initiative by musicians and music-lovers – joyful, unpaid, without …

Claire Tolan (Photo: Roland Owsnitzki)

Claire Tolan

Since 2013, much of Claire Tolan’s work has found its foundation in the sounds of ASMR, Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. …


Jerusalem-born, Berlin-based multi-disciplinary artist Carmel Michaeli has constructed the vessel of KARMA SHE to transcend the stage and create extra-sensorial …

Maggot Heart (Photo: Alexandra Macia)

Maggot Heart

Maggot Heart is the brainchild of the guitarist, singer and songwriter Linnéa Olsson. Taking cues from the rhythmic gloom of …

Tereza (Foto: Danny Sommerfeld)


Tereza is a DJ, radio host and curator who, through countless gigs, has established her name in Germany and throughout …

Kaltès (Photo: Gelya Bogatishcheva)


Kaltès is a musician and DJ based in Berlin. She has an extensive background in music, having studied jazz and …

Jessica Ekomane (Foto: Camille Blake)

Jessica Ekomane

As a musician and installation artist, Jessica Ekomane was one of Berlin Community Radio’s 2017 Incubator residents. Her compositions seek …

Johanna Knutsson (Foto: Fredrik Altinell)

Johanna Knutsson

10 years ago, Johanna Knutsson left her native Sweden for Berlin to dive deeper into the music scene and find …

Jinka (Foto: Yannic Pöpperling)


Jinka is a writer/singer/producer of Transylvanian origin who dropped the first single of her artist project in mid-2017. She set …