Claire Tolan (Photo: Roland Owsnitzki)

Claire Tolan

Since 2013, much of Claire Tolan’s work has found its foundation in the sounds of ASMR, Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. …

City At Dark (Foto: privat)

City At Dark

Laura Landergott (Ja, Panik) and Yair Karelic (Mystical Communication Service) first met in early 2017. The duo constructs a patchwork of indie …

M.E.S.H. (Photo: private)


M.E.S.H. was started by James Whipple. M.E.S.H. is a project situated within the interior grandeur of the digital, sometimes connecting …

1000 Gram (Foto: Paul Aidan Perry)

1000 GRAM

This kind of music can only be made by people gathered together by the wind: 1000 Gram is made up …

Nichtseattle (Photo: Noel Richter)


Nichtseattle stands for a bunch of sore songs about self-care in a precarious world. Nichtseattle comes along solo or with …

Malakoff Kowalski (Photo: Pepper Levain)

Malakoff Kowalski

Malakoff Kowalski is a German-American-Persian singer, musician, composer, and producer. After having been active with his band Jansen & Kowalski, …

Future Palace (Photo: Hello Bipo)

Future Palace

While guitarist Manuel and drummer Johannes were already working on a joint project, singer Maria initially joined the band as …

Garagen Uwe (Photo: Robert Hamacher)

Garagen Uwe

Not much is said in Uwe’s garage. But that’s no big deal. The air smells like gasoline while analog synthesizers …

Dead Kittens

Dead Kittens

What happens when a Dutch comic artist and an Israeli producer encounter in Berlin and decide to make music together? …