Anika (Photo: Alisa Resnik)


›Political Journalist‹ isn’t a credential we usually have in musician’s bios, but this is exactly what Anika was doing while …


Jury: Label Funding

Funding is awarded through Musicboard Berlin GmbH upon recommendation of an independent jury of Berlin-based pop experts and in consultation …

Annual Report

Annual Report 2021

»We are looking back on a year that seems to have gone by faster than any other, yet was more …


Jury: Project Funding

Funding is awarded through Musicboard Berlin GmbH upon recommendation of an independent jury of Berlin-based pop experts and in consultation …


The Great Escape 2023: Zeitgeist

In order to present newcomers from Germany in an international context, Musicboard Berlin has been involved in The Great Escape …

Berlin Brass Festival Logo

Berlin Brass Festival

Berlin Brass Festival is annually blasting its way into the streets, plazas and parks of the city – brassy, colorful, …

We Will Kaleid (Photo: Anne Ludwig)

We Will Kaleid

Jasmina de Boer and Lukas Streich are We Will Kaleid. In their experimental, electronic art-pop, the duo focuses on dysfunctional …

Jeannel (Foto: Shari Marks)


Jeannel is an interdisciplinary artist, producer, singer and cellist. Growing up in a musical household, she received classical cello lessons …

Annual Report 2023

Over the past ten years, Musicbboard has been able to help pave the way for diversity-orientated, inclusive and content-based music …