
Jury: Label Funding

Funding is awarded through Musicboard Berlin GmbH upon recommendation of an independent jury of Berlin-based pop experts and in consultation …

Portrait of Molly Nilsson in black and white

Molly Nilsson

Molly Nilsson is a Swedish born artist, producer and songwriter residing in Berlin since 2005. She first started composing in …

Portrait of Ditty, flower branches are stuck to her face and neck with adhesive tape


Ditty is an Indian independent artist and urban ecologist whose music is inspired by the natural world. She started by …

Pan Daijing (Photo: Matt Lambert)

Pan Daijing

As an interdisciplinary artist, Pan Daijing creates music based on performative practices that transfer movements and architectures into stories. In …

Trucks (Foto: Franz Böhlke)


Reintroducing the complicated. With linguistic bulkiness, Trucks form the antithesis of both mainstream and teenage Deutschpop. Trucks are also about …

Portrait von Martina Stock vor ihrer Harfe, die blaues Licht abgibt. Im unteren Biolddrittel der Schriftzug "TinaMarti electroacoustic harp"

Martina Stock

Martina Stock, neo-harpist, is known for her fusion of classical harp and electronic music. Her compositions range from melodic pieces …

Magic Island (Foto: Maxime Ballesteros)

Magic Island

Having been described as »honest pop,« Magic Island’s soundscape is permeated by haunting and unforgettable flavours. With her Berlin-based solo …

Portrait of Sera Kalo

Sera Kalo

Sera Kalo is a genre-fluid, Berlin-based Caribbean-American singer & songwriter. Quiet in nature, Sera’s music serves as a powerful outlet …

Portrait of Barbie Williams

Barbie Williams

Barbie Williams is an Argentinian singer, songwriter, and producer. She studied Contemporary music in Buenos Aires, where she developed a …

VALENTIN (Photo: Adam Munnings)


VALENTIN heralds a new era in the music industry. She paves the way for upcoming artists who, just like she …

Portrait of Wooly Aziz

Wooly Aziz

Wooly Aziz is a solo, progressive R&B/Soul/Left-Field project by Jannat Sohail from Pakistan, also listed in the Alternative Power 100 …

Eilis Frawley (Foto: Janina Gallart)

Eilis Frawley

Eilis Frawley is a classically trained percussionist from the Elder Conservatorium of Music in Adelaide. She spent a number of …

cesco.blz playing the drums


cesco.blz is a German-Brazilian artist who has established himself both as a rapper and a drummer. His music is a …

Ava Bonam (Photo: Ava Bonam)

Ava Bonam

With her eerily beautiful original compositions, characterised by atmospheric vocals and dense piano sounds, the musician and producer Ava Bonam …

Christiane Rösinger (Foto: Doro Tuch)

Christiane Rösinger

The artist Christiane Rösinger, born in 1961, has been shaping the Berlin local music scene since the early 1990s as …

© Vera Tavares

Vera Tavares

Born in Cape Verde, Creole singer Vera Tavares captivates audiences with her powerful stage presence and poppy, jazzy, soulful voice. …